In a slander action filed by Sahara, a court summons Netflix directors and producers

On Wednesday, a special Chief Judicial Magistrate (custom) issued summonses to Netflix directors and producers for defaming Sahara India and its CEO Subrata Roy in the documentary series “Bad Boys Billionaires India.” The summons was issued for the documentary series broadcast on Netflix last year by Netflix director Abhisekh Nag, documentary filmmaker Nick Read, and producer Reva Sharma.
Judge Sunil Kumar has ordered the three to appear in court on November 15 to face charges of defamation, 501 (printing or engraving defamatory matter), and 502 (selling of printed or engraved item containing defamatory matter) under the Indian Penal Code.
The ruling was made in response to a complaint filed by Sahara India and its workers.
The court found prima facie evidence of defamation against the three defendants after reviewing the complaint and testimony of witnesses Ghulam Zeeshan and Bhuvnesh Mani Tripathi, according to the court’s ruling.
According to the complaint, the accused created and distributed the aforementioned documentary series on Netflix on October 5, 2020 in a most defamatory manner in order to harm the image of Sahara and its leader.
According to the lawsuit, A cursory examination of the documentary reveals that, in order to make it spicier and more rhetorical, all of the accused conspired and sought to put the head of the Sahara Group in a negative light, despite the lack of any solid proof against him.
According to the witnesses, the documentary was created only for commercial advantage, and as a result, Netflix spiced up the video by conveying a negative picture of Subrato Roy and Sahara India, which is not only unpleasant but also defamatory.