NDTV informs SEBI that even the promoters didn’t know Adnai group was going to take over
According to a recent document addressed to the Vice president of the National Stock Exchange of India, NDTV has stated that they were not made aware of the proceedings that the Adani group will take over. The notes further state that none of the promoters whose shares were going to be traded were informed about the same.
The letter states that there is no change in the ownership of shares so far. The letter further states that the notice from VCPL is based on a loan agreement it entered with NDTV founders Radhika and Prannoy Roy in 2009-10. The notice states that VCPL has exercised its option to convert 19,90,000 warrants into equity shares of RRPRH at Rs. 10/- per share, and that a total of Rs. 1.99 crores has been transferred to RRPRH.
Here is the copy of the letter addressed to the Vice President of SEBI