‘Even Jemima Goldsmith’? Pakistan PM Imran Khan Unfollows, Netizens Are Left Wondering, All on Twitter!

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken everybody off his Twitter account in an extraordinary creation, including his first wife, Jemima Goldsmith. Much of Pakistan’s Twitter room on Monday evening found that PM Imran Khan was no longer following anyone from his official @ImranKhanPTI account on Twitter.

What fascinated them most was that he pursued Jemima Goldsmith, a film director, and his ex-wife. Netizens were left questioning the reason behind this move, with no answer given.
Imran Khan, who built his Twitter profile in 2010, even after parting ways with her and getting married twice, continued to follow his first date, Jemima Goldsmith.
In the meantime, Twitterati is trolling him for a field day, and they came up with their funny excuses. Imran Khan was searched by a consumer and said that he should have visited his predecessor, the timeline of Nawaz Sharif, only to know he doesn’t obey anybody. So he had to get frustrated and unfollow everyone.
“Imran Khan visited Nawaz Sharif’s @NawazSharifMNS Twitter timeline, realized NS does not follow anybody. I got angry that this might reflect poorly on him. Went back to his timeline and unfollowed all his MNAs and ex-wife,” the user wrote.
Meanwhile, only two pages from his official Instagram site are tracked by Imran Khan. This includes the PTI’s checking accounts and the Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre of Shaukat Khanum (SKMCH&RC).