Google doodle of the day celebrates first African-American Nobel Laureate Sir W Arthur Lewis

Google doodle celebrates Sir W Arthur Lewis, Professor, Economist and Author who was the first African-American man to be awarded the Nobel prize for Economics. He was awarded the prize on this day in the year 1979 along with Theodore Schultz for his work on the economic model that analyses the causes for poverty in developing nations.
He is considered to be one of the leading pioneers of modern economics and whose models have helped generations and countries worldwide. He was a trailblazer and an inspiration to the inner cities.
He was also seen breaking several racial barriers during his lifetime as he served as the first African American faculty at the London School of Economics, the first African American to hold a chair in Manchester University and the first African American instructor to receive full professorship at Princeton University.
Among his valuable accomplishments, Lewis contributed influential work to the United Nations and shared his expertise as an adviser to governments in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean and to other developing nations. He also helped establish and served as the first president of the Caribbean Development Bank. His foundational article “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour” has proved to be one of the best tools for developing countries to further their economic progress.
At a time of high racial tensions and restlessness the world over, this tribute by google to one of the most inspiring men, Sir W Arthur Lewis, proves that racial barriers can be overcome simply with perseverance and is a much needed reminder to the world to not focus on racial politics.