Audrey Truschke brings an other side of Aurangzeb in her Book

Audrey Truschke is an Author, Associate professor at Rutgers University and a Historian of South Asia
who is in current news because she reveals another side of Aurangzeb in her Book ‘The life and Legacy of India’s most controversial King.’
Her work majorly focuses on inter – community relation from medieval South Asia.
She had an interview with the Indian Express where she talked about her book and what all she has researched while writing her book.
In an interview, Audrey revealed that Aurangzeb was profoundly known for his political work and he was the most powerful and wealthiest ruler in his time.
We all know that he ruled nearly for 50 years but he was also known for ruthless and kind personality at the same time.
But, most of us don’t know that Mughal emperor Aurangzeb protected Hindu temples rather than destroying them.
In his administration, he had more of Hindus employees than of Akbar’s administration.
Aurangzeb followed the instructions of Hindu doctors and astrologers throughout his life till his last breath.
Aurangzeb destroyed some temples, reinitiated jizya tax – the tax which non-Muslims paid to Muslims and along with the Marathas, caused mass human suffering in central and south India.
Hindu nationalists have guzzled up colonial-era picture of Mughal history, including Aurangzeb, and spit them out in order to foster anti-Muslim sentiment.
Analysing Aurangzeb and Akbar administration, Akbar was was a good Indian emperor accurately very Muslim, whereas Aurangzeb’s devotion disabled his ability to rule India.