Hurling N-Word DaBaby Posts Video Of Alleged Victim

According to recent video, the individual who was allegedly beaten up by DaBaby and his gang was allegedly using the N-word throughout his confrontation with the gang.
The film, which appears to show Gary Prager pacing back and forth on the grounds of the mansion where the alleged beating happened in December… and you can hear him yell “n*****s” in wrath, was shared by the North Carolina rapper himself on Saturday.
The caption on DB’s picture reads, “On today’s episode of ‘Let’s Make DaBaby Look Like a Bad Person,'” he claims Prager of being a “PROUD white supremacist,” and that he (Prager) is “lying to TMZ & LAPD. Not knowing that he’s caught on camera.”
Later it reads, “These are the type of people y’all validate & let assassinate DaBaby’s character.”
Prager allegedly spat in DaBaby’s face, but the video does not appear to show this.
To begin with, no one lied to us about this incident — DaBaby has been charged with criminal battery in connection with this case, therefore his gripe is with Prager and law enforcement officials. In court, DaBaby will have the opportunity to refute Prager’s charges.
That guy who screamed the slur… yep, that’s horrible. It’s unclear if he said this before or after the claimed assault, but we suppose it doesn’t matter… in any case, there’s no excuse for evoking racism.
If we’re being honest, DaBaby appears to believe that this will help him look better in the eyes of the public — but if we’re being honest, he appears to have bigger difficulties than just this one event.
Recently, he’s been criticized for a variety of reasons.