Tension rises between Russia and Israel because Kremlin denies Vladimir Putin apology

A statement was issued by The Kremlin, which detailed the conversation held between Vladimir Putin and Naftali Bennett on a phone call where it didn’t mention any apology.
On May 09, 2022 the Kremlin denied that the Russian country’s President Vladimir Putin apologized to Israel’s Prime Minister Mr. Naftali Bennett related to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remark which Adolf Hitler may have had named “Jewish Blood”
The details just worsened the situation between Russia and Israel which initially came from Sergey Lavrov’s ( who is a politician and Russian diplomat who also served as Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004) comment. In comment he compared Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to Hitler though Zelensky is Jewish and commented ‘I believe that Hitler also had Jewish Blood’.
And if the conflict worsens, Russia may lose a part of its Middle East ally in Israel which is also playing a role of arbitrator in the Russia – Ukraine war who expressed their support to Ukraine while avoiding from publicly censuring Moscow.
This comment led to a crisis between two countries during which the Israel Foreign Minister Yair Lapid wronged the remarks by adding ‘ it’s a terrible historical mistake’ and ‘an unforgivable, scandalous statement’.
Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on a phone call conversation between Vladimir Putin and Naftali Bennett on Thursday showed some positive signs that they’re making things work.
The Prime minister of Israel accepted the apology from Vladimir Putin for Lavrov’s remark and later thanked him for clarification of all the misconceptions on Jewish people and the memory of the Holocaust.