Eaten by the Japanese: Indian POW were used as live targets in WWII crossed the level of brutality

During World War II Japanese military tortured the Indian army and had their heads chopped off by the Japanese. Then they used to cook the bodies. . The soldiers of the Indian Army who fought for the British are immediately dismissed as stooges of the Raj. After the fall of Singapore on February 15, 1942, 40,000 men of the Indian Army. They were first sent to transit camps in Batavia and Surabhaya from where they were packed off to New Guinea, New Britain, and Bougainvillea.
Torture on Indian Soldiers
Officers were slapped and beaten in front of everyone at their rookie mistakes. They were tortured very brutally. Soldiers who were not killed in the firing but wounded were stabbed to death. The capacity for human cruelty seems to be boundless. The debauchery of what the Japanese did to Indians just sinks to an even more evil level. How these Indian POW’s managed to survive one hour let alone one day under this horror one will never know.
To bring light on the fact that it was not a ‘common’ enemy. It was never India’s war. We were fighting our own war for Independence against the British. It was only because the British had agreed on talks if only we participated in their war. Most Indian leaders were against the idea but some agreed.
When India became independent in 1947, these same British-officers and men inherited a clonial army and transformed it into a national army that became the muse of patriots of all ages almost overnight.
It is a very disturbing topic but everyone needs to know this. How much our soldiers has sacrificed and yet one forgets to respect them. It will not take more than a minute of yours if you see a soldier next time Salute them no matter wherever you are.