List of Top Ukrainian scientists

List of notables or famous scientists from Ukraine
1. Michael Zgurovsky –born in 1950, is a Ukrainian scientist. Mykhailo Zghurovsky is the President of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Scientific Supervisor of the Institute for Applied System Analysis, former Ukrainian education minister. His research focuses in methodology of system analysis, theory of decision making under uncertain conditions, analysis.
2. Anatoliy Kokush-born in 1951, is a Ukrainian film engineer, businessman, and inventor. In 2006, he was awarded two Oscars in the Scientific and Engineering Award category: one was awarded “for the concept and development of the Russian Arm gyro-stabilized camera crane and the Flight Head remote camera“; the other “for the concept and development of the Cascade series of motion picture cranes“. He explained that the machine known as the Russian Arm is actually called Autorobot, and was given the nickname as a joke in the early nineties when Americans in Hollywood joked that “the Russian Arm is back in America again”.
3. Ivan Puluj (1845-1918)- Ivan Pului was a Ukrainian physicist and inventor, who has been championed as an early developer of the use of X-rays for medical imaging. Puluj did substantial research into cathode rays, publishing several papers on the topic between 1880 and 1882. As a result of experiments into what he called “cold light”, Puluj developed the Puluj lamp, which was mass-produced for some time. This device was also a kind of primitive X-ray tube, but it was not until Wilhelm Röntgen discovered the X-rays and published his findings that Puluj recognized the potential of his own device. He published his results in a scientific paper, titled Luminous Electrical Matter and the Fourth State of Matter in the Notes of the Austrian Imperial Academy of Sciences.
4. Sergiy Korolyov (1907-1966)- He is considered by many to be the father of practical astronautics. Although Korolyov was trained as an aircraft designer, his greatest strengths proved to be in design integration, organization, and strategic planning. He became a recognized rocket designer and a key figure in the development of the Soviet ICBM program. He was then appointed to lead the Soviet space program, overseeing the Sputnik and Vostok space projects that included launching Yuri Gagarin into orbit on April 12th, 1961.