Top movies in which WWE superstars have played a role in

Wrestlers in the WWE are most well-known for their work in the ring, but that’s a tradition that’s fading fast. Wrestlers like Dave Bautista, John Cena, and, of course, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have blazed the path in Hollywood, and as a result, other wrestlers may have gained a little more respect as a result. Of course, one might argue that wrestlers would not have a place in movies today if it weren’t for individuals like Randy Savage and his fantastic appearances in large blockbusters.
The following aren’t exactly the best movie cameos by WWE wrestlers in terms of screen time, but they are among the most memorable. These athletes have collaborated with some of the top actors in the industry and established themselves as stars in their own right, despite having minor roles in famous films.
Randy Savage (Spider-Man)
Randy Savage in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man is easy to recognize even without his cowboy hat and colorful outfit. The gravely-voiced WWE icon appears near the opening of the film and is Peter’s pro wrestling opponent, Bonesaw. Because Savage is doing pro wrestler stuff in his segment, the sequence isn’t very memorable, but it’s always a good time to mention that Bruce Campbell shared a wall with Savage during production and was frequently subjected to the sounds of passionate love-making as a result.
Hulk Hogan (Rocky III)
Hulkamania was rife in the early 1980s, and Rocky III included a scene in which Hulk Hogan squared off against Rocky Balboa in the ring, most likely as a result of that craze. Of course, Hogan portrayed a womanizer heel-type wrestler named Thunderlips, not his real-life persona. In their fight, he goes a little too hard on Rocky, but Rocky eventually gives as good as he gets later in the bout. Outside of Clubber Lang, who was visibly furious about the charity event, everyone in the crowd looked delighted with the match. To be fair, Lang definitely had something on his mind.
Big Show (Jingle All The Way)
Before The Big Show got his own Netflix series, he earned a name for himself in an Arnold Schwarzenegger film. No, WWE’s seven-foot colossus did not appear in one of his action films, like as The Terminator or Predator. Instead, Big Show took the stage as the colossal Santa from Jingle All The Way’s warehouse scene. Big Show’s Santa made life difficult for Schwarzenegger’s character, and he only backed off after a careless punch blasted a smaller Santa (Verne Troyer) clear across the warehouse. Although it isn’t the most prominent choice on the list, it is surely memorable.