Zamit assists schools & parents to make the students future-ready: Aarul Malaviya, Founder of MASH Virtual

A one-stop platform that networks & supports school ecosystems to be future-ready, Zamit is an information, engagement and interaction platform that networks schools, students, teachers, parents, and school service providers.
Zamit is a brainchild of MASH Virtual who are London based creators, actively building AR/VR applications, games, etc. And that is why we got in touch with Aarul Malaviya, Founder of MASH Virtual, to understand how the program works, what is ZQ, challenges the platform and its creators face, and much more:
Q. What is zamit all about?
Zamit being a one-stop platform that networks & supports school ecosystems to be future-ready offers various functionalities such as search, compare, rate & review school, podcasts, edutainment & engaging activities. Zamit users can earn and redeem zamit points for merchandise and services by using different features offered by the app. The ZKiT program is a unique, customized support system based on the school’s ZQ (Zamit Quotient), Future Readiness Index. The ZKiT includes a range of services:
ZPoD – Zamit Professional Development Services: Seminars, Workshops and Professional development programmes.
ZIP – Zamit Internship Programme: A programme that offers students Internship and Apprenticeship opportunities.
ZISA – Zamit International School Awards: A first of its kind stakeholder-driven annual recognition award that recognises Schools, Principals, Teachers, Parents and non-teaching Staff of Pre-schools and K-12 schools.
ZCAS – Zamit Centralised Admissions Services: A comprehensive Web and Mobile App-based an end-to-end solution that simplifies the admissions process for prospective parents & schools.
ZFREC – Zamit Future Readiness Experience Centre: A physical space that offers students access to future-ready resources & expert guidance for admissions, careers, placements, fitness, cybersecurity, and many other areas. The ZFREC also offers various programmes that will help them prepare for the Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world by helping them improve their Learning Power, develop the right mindset with future readiness skills that are critical for living and working in the age of Artificial Intelligence.
Q. As it is a brainchild of London based creators, what real-time challenges did you witness when the app was executed in India?
The creator is currently London based but by ethnicity, he is Indian and has done his schooling up until Grade 10 in India. Being one of a kind product in the market, getting the right structure which will benefit both the parents & the schools was our major challenge.
Q. Over time, ZAMIT has managed to come in the top 10 apps. How does it feel? How has the journey been till date?
In one word “Exciting”. The journey has been certainly rewarding and miles to go. We’re keeping it dynamic and ever-evolving with our ear to the ground as more & more Schools start to see the sense in getting future-ready.
Q. What kind of services do you offer to schools and parents? In what specific areas is it helpful for them?
We assist schools & parents to make the students future-ready.
- The World’s first Future Ready Indexing ( ZQ: Zamit quotient ) which is an audit of the collective future-ready skills
- Zamit Keep In Touch Program (ZKIT), a series of customized workshops & which supports teachers in remaining Future-ready.
- We offer them Live streaming of school events
- Free of cost online teachers’ resources
- Talks by eminent educationists on contemporary topics
- The Zamit student internship program (ZIP)
- Curated news & events from schools & school education both local & global
- Parenting tips both in audio & video formats
- Genuine school reviews from parents & students together with a ‘search rate review’ schools feature on their mobile handset
- A storyboard in multi-languages where content & language is edited by language experts for appropriateness and age indicators
- Directory of tutors, coaching centres, after school activities & professional development institutes.
Q. What is ZQ? How does it work?
ZQ stands for Zamit Quotient. The ZQ of an institute is the score built up around an algorithm of educational best practices, processes & systems. This includes curriculum delivery, innovativeness, co-curricular programs & technology integration that will prepare the students & faculty for the 21st century. The ZQ for educational institutes demonstrates schools’ collective strength in providing students with life skills, adaptability & critical thinking in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) world.