Here is why your mobile phone does not have Android 13

We all want our phones to be up to date with updates at all times, but on Android, this can seem like an impossible task at times. Terminals may have to wait weeks or months for a new version of the operating system, and as far as we can tell, Android 13 is no exception. For years, separation has been the most difficult problem for the terminals of the most widely used system. When compared to Apple, it is clear, because all iPhones already have iOS 16, whereas the percentage of smartphones with Android 13 is ridiculous. Despite Google’s efforts, this situation persists, which has only improved in the Google Pixel.
Apple’s amenities are limitless, because the system is the same in all smartphones, and they only need to limit some other function that is only available in the most recent terminals. On Android, however, each manufacturer has unique selling points that make owning one smartphone or another a completely different experience.
The following are the reasons why most phones do not have the Android 13 update:
- They are still modifying Android 13 to accommodate the customization layers: This is a complex task that each company must complete in order to integrate the new system features with the customization layer itself.
- It must first go through several beta tests: Even if Android 13 appears to work perfectly at first, hidden errors appear over time, forcing manufacturers to test it on multiple smartphones so that there are no surprises or complaints later.
- Google continues to develop Android 13: Despite the fact that the giant American corporation has already made the new version official, it continues to improve it with each patch. Because no one wants to leave news out of the customization layer, some businesses wait until September or October to ensure that everything is well tied.