How to install MPL app on your phone?

How to download?
- Open on your smartphone, tablet or PC
- As soon as the homepage pops up, fill the empty box with the country code
- After filling the mobile number on the website click on Get Link SMS
- Once link has been received, tap on the link and open in browser
- Tap on Download MPL app
- Allow it to download and then install the app on your smartphone, tablet or PC.
Mobile Premier League, often known as MPL is an online gaming platform that consists of numerous games, quiz, virtual sports and much more. The game offers real cash prize for your favourite mobile games. The app contains more than 40 popular games played by several people from all around the globe. Adventure, action, sports and many other categories in sports.
Moreover, MPL is a highly popular game at the time of IPL (Indian Premier League) as a lot of people make team and also earn some amazing goodies and cash prizes.