Image released by Rocksteady for new Suicide Squad game created curiosity

DC fans, the opportunity has at long last arrived. Your desires have worked out as expected, and it’s not even Christmas yet. Rocksteady Games, the studio behind the monstrously mainstream Batman Arkham games, has at long last affirmed it’s taking a shot at another DC game, and it may concentrate on Superman.
The gaming scene has been sitting tight for a declaration like this for some, numerous months, years even, when gossipy tidbits initially began jumping up online that Rocksteady was leaving the Arkham arrangement to construct another Superman game.
The designer has been prodding a wide range of new substance in the course of the most recent couple of months on its Twitter account, yet now the organization has discharged an official picture of The Man of Steel and the hashtag #SuicideSquadGame.
“Target bolted – #DCFanDome – August 22. #suicidesquadgame,” Rocksteady Games tweeted today (August 7).
From simply the picture alone, it’s difficult to make sense of if this will be the Superman single player game we have all been dreaming about, or on the off chance that it will concentrate more on the Suicide Squad, however now we can spend the following barely any months wildly conjecturing on what we will get.
To be completely forthright, it would be fantastically unusual to call your Superman game, “Self destruction Squad:. Then again, it’s similarly as odd to declare your new Suicide Squad game with a picture of Superman, however what do we know?
From the entirety of the prods, which have included suggestions to the Court of Owls, most gamers were wagering on another Batman game that handled that well known comic arrangement, and we may in any case be getting that, as Rocksteady has been prodding Gotham Knights as a potential thing as well – however we don’t have the foggiest idea whether this is a different game, or part of this Suicide Squad game.