What is this Genshin Impact that Elon Musk cant wait to be in

Elon Musk always takes Twitter to express his views on different aspects. And this time he is talking about Genshin Impact which everyone is wondering what it is.
MiHoYo created and released Genshin Impact, an action role-playing game. It was published in September 2020 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android, and iOS, and in April 2021 for PlayStation 5, with a Nintendo Switch version planned in the future.
How it all started
Mihoyo has previously removed a bizarre Genshin Impact community challenge in which it aimed to annoy Elon Musk in various ways.
It’s typical for Twitter accounts to give incentives when they reach a specific milestone. A reward is usually awarded when an account reaches a certain number of followers or when a tweet is retweeted a certain number of times. That reward is usually something valuable, such as an Xbox Series X. The only thing provided to followers in exchange when Genshin Impact’s account launched a community challenge this week was various methods to irritate Elon Musk.
To commemorate reaching two million followers, Genshin’s English account posted the community challenge and its different advancement goals. It appears that it used this to try to increase the number of followers on its Ella Musk account. Ella Musk is a fictitious character that has her own Twitter account and is a scholar in the universe of Genshin Impact. Its following, however, pales in contrast to Genshin’s.
Mihoyo determined that the best approach to address this was to issue a community challenge to its fans. Ella’s account would perform certain things if it reached specific follower milestones, which it probably thought were incentives. Genshin’s Twitter account will revert to its previous name, Paimon, once Ella reaches 500,000 followers.
After then, things start to become a little strange. Elon Musk is responsible for the next three milestones, which are one, three, and five million followers. Genshin will follow Elon Musk if you hit the first one. Mihoyo would ask Genshin to broadcast the game if Ella’s account reached three million followers. If you reach the five-million-follower mark, Elon Musk will be welcomed to Mihoyo’s headquarters. For a Genshin fan, that would be a fantastic reward. The trip, that is, as opposed to hearing Elon Musk get to take it.
The bizarre community challenge generated so much backlash that it was taken down. It’s possible that the reasoning for it will never be disclosed. Ella Musk’s name, which is definitely inspired by Elon Musk, is the only actual link. Ella’s account presently has a little more than 55,000 followers, so it was most likely just a prank. Ella’s following count blowing over Genshin’s two million would have been extremely implausible, especially because the only person who would have benefited from such spike would have been Elon Musk.