Be your model even while buying clothes online with Walmart’s this new feature

Walmart’s Be Your Model feature is going to revolutionize the way customer try their clothing. Nowadays online shopping has increased multifold but here comfort has come with a problem. You usually see dresses on perfect good looking models. But the problem is they look perfect in everything almost.
So this new model is going to give access to its customers Be Your Model Feature where customers would be able to try the clothing on themselves by AR technology through the retailer’s app.
They will just have to stand in front of the camera in shorts and slippers. Then they will simply choose their height. Through realistic stimulation, they would be able to see how a dress would look on them. They can also save their pic for the future to try various other dresses on it too. The earlier feature was less custom and here customers could change the model according to their skin tone, height, and size. But this model enables them to try 270,000 apparels on them. The feature is capable of recognizing where the fabric should drape and shadows should fall, made possible by the company’s acquisition of the Zeekit virtual try-on platform last year.
With this feature comes a concern that how Walmart will keep half-naked images of its customer secure on the server. When tech giants like Uber are facing cyber threats nowadays it won’t be wrong to think about this.