Now maintain social distancing the Google’s way: Google Sodar Tool

Cell phone clients have another approach to stay away — an instrument that tells them when individuals are drawing nearer than pandemic rules suggest.
The Google-created Sodar apparatus accessible this week takes advantage of Android cell phone cameras to place clients in the focal point of a white hover with a sweep of around two meters, or 6.5 feet.
The edge, decided dependent on pandemic social removing rules, is made utilizing a similar sort of expanded reality innovation in cell phone games, for example, Pokemon Go.
Circles superimposed on environmental factors move with clients, keeping cell phones in the middle. Clients get a visual admonition when they are inside the conceivably dangerous span.
Sodar works through Google-made Chrome programs on Android cell phones that help increased reality, as per the California-based web firm.
“This analysis utilizes (the application program interface) WebXR to imagine 2-meter social-separating rules in your condition,” a message at the site said.