An Italian man becomes first to test positive simultaneously for HIV, Covid-19, and monkeypox

A man from Italy is the first to test positive for HIV, monkeypox, and COVID-19 on the same day. The unnamed 36-year-old first experienced fever, sore throat, and headaches, Nine days after arriving home from a trip to Spain, he had unprotected sex with several guys.
On July 2, he initially tested positive for COVID-19; shortly after, he began to get a rash and “small, painful” blisters all over his body, including his face, butt, legs, and body. He visited an ER, where he tested positive for COVID-19 and monkeypox again the next day. Even though he had previously tested negative for HIV in September, he discovered he had HIV on July 6.
This was the first instance of simultaneous COVID-19, monkeypox, and HIV infection that had been reported. An individual from Geran previously tested positive for both HIV and monkeypox. A red patch on the 40-year-old’s nose was initially misdiagnosed as a sunburn, but it gradually began to “rot off” due to an untreated HIV infection and eventually became filled with a white pus-like material.
According to the researchers, the case “emphasises that sexual encounters may be the main mode of transmission” of monkeypox. Therefore, after a diagnosis of monkeypox, comprehensive [sexually transmitted infection] screening is advised.