Anonymous collective has hacked and leaked data used by Russian Hacker Group Killnet

As per the recent tweet, it claims that Killnet, a pro-Kremlin hacking group, has been hacked and a list of emails and passwords has been leaked by an anonymous collective. The hack was intended to discredit the hacker organization and hamper their ongoing operations.
As per the sources, the Anonymous collective declared the start of a cyber-war against the pro-Russian group Killnet, which previously targeted European institutions. The announcement comes after unidentified hackers launched a “cyber war” on Vladimir Putin’s regime in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, releasing over 360,000 Russian federal agency files in the operation.
We also came to know from the sources that Killnet targeted the websites of several Italian organizations and government departments last week, including the supreme court of justice, the customs agency, and the ministries of foreign affairs, education, and cultural heritage. Killnet also targeted Italy’s upper house of parliament, the National Health Institute (ISS), and the Automobile Club d’Italia in early May, according to reports on May 16.
Furthermore, the official Killnet page was knocked offline, according to a new tweet from Anonymous. The disclosure comes just days after cybersecurity officials in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand warned businesses outside of Ukraine that they could be targeted by pro-Russian hackers shortly.
According to the sources, Data theft fraudsters such as CoomingProject, DDoSers Killnet, Emotet operators Mummy, and Sality botnet developer Salty Spider are among the cybercrime outfits that potentially pose a threat to Western vital national infrastructure (CNI) businesses.