CDPR has been hacked: ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ source code held for ransom

CD Projekt S.A. is a Polish video game developer, publisher and distributor based in Warsaw, founded in May 1994 by Marcin Iwiński and Michał Kiciński.
Important Update
Early this morning, the company announced it had been the victim of an extensive hack, one that has come with a ransom demand they will not meet, and instead, they have turned over all relevant information to the authorities, and are taking steps to mitigate the damage, reports Forbes.
While they say that they believe no customer information was leaked, the potential extent of the damage is large, particularly if the hackers release the information they claim to have, which is all summed up in ransom note.
CDPR has emphatically said that they will not meet any demands, even if that means the release of this info, from confidential documents to the source code of their games.
This could potentially release sensitive information about individual employees, not to mention the time spent dealing with the fallout of this hack means even more delays for the actual fixes and new content Cyberpunk needs.
The full scope of the damage from this could be massive when all is said and done, and no one benefits from it, says Paul Tassi.