Salvador Ramos, the Texas killer’s life story; know why did he killed innocent children

Salvador Ramos, the mass murderer of Uvdale Texas case was a failed high school student. He was been bullied in the school for being poor and for wearing eyeliner. His classmates were used to make fun of the clothes he wored at school. Salvador Ramos was a big fan of shooting and a game known as Call of Duty.
Before the deadliest school shooting incident, he was arguing with his grandmother and was angry because he did not graduate. Afterwards, the neighbors heard the killer’s grandmother screaming, “He shot me, he shot me”. Later, Ramos left his house angrily and took his car on the murder place and killed his much-loved teachers and 19 innocent children.
Salvador Ramos is just 18 years old student who was victim of bullying in his school. Consequently, due to this, he was a loner person who then turned into a ‘aggressive freak’. He killed innocent children and teachers of the school due to his anger which has shocked the whole city of Texas.
Also, he would send inappropriate and disturbing messages to his female classmates. He was also threatening the females by sending pictures of guns on his Instagram handle which he got in his 18th birthday. However, Texan government permitted guns to 18-21 aged for their protection but this turned into a deadliest mass murder in the history of America.