Nothing introduced Nothing Beer (5.1%) with technically refreshing taste

It’s 01 April today and since the day started every piece of news, story, and gossip sounds like a prank to me but when Nothing came forth to add spice to it, it became more confusing actually. Out of nowhere, Nothing has shared a tweet announcing its new product Beer(5.1%). It has also mentioned details about the taste and its manufacturing. It wrote, “crisp, unfiltered, rice lager. Carefully crafted for distinct and drier taste. Independently brewed in Wales, UK. Nothing engineers approved”.
Further, in the tweet, Nothing is written that this beer is going to be technically refreshing for the customers. It has also attached a link with the tweet for the updates about this drink but this link takes you to the Nothing official site where you barely find any trace of Nothing’s a technically refreshing beer. The image shared with the tweet shows a can written “beer (5.1%)” on it and a wasp on the can.
Introducing Beer (5.1%).
Crisp, unfiltered rice lager. Carefully crafted
for a distinct and drier taste. Independently
brewed in Wales, UK. Nothing engineer
approved.Technically refreshing.
Sign-up for updates at
National minimum drinking age…
— Nothing (@nothing) April 1, 2023
Users were surprised as well as confused to see this tweet by Nothing. One of the Twitter users Kustom, sharing the image of an abra toy asked “can this comfortable abra get the beer?” and Nothing responded with “can we check his id please?”. Another user kaiyw wrote “i get its bee(r)” in response to which Nothing wrote “new character unlocked”. To give height to the confusions and speculations Nothing even shared the ingredient of this beer in the comments.
Is this a beer?
Launching a beer can on 1st April does not sound like a cool idea until it’s a real beer can but still, Nothing must have something in mind. Who knows if it’s a beer or just a bee(r).