Passive attitude of world leaders towards climate change makes Queen Elizabeth acrid

Climate change has been a cause of concern for many years now. But the casual attitude of the dignitaries of the different countries has really aggravated the issue even further. COP26, the United Nations Global Summit on Climate Change has been scheduled to be held from 31 October to 12 November this year in Glasgow. The summit which mainly focuses on the issue of climate change invites leaders from all across the world to lay their views on climate change and formulate policies for a sustainable development. Despite such notable efforts the far-reaching impact of the climate change has really caused some mentionable difficulties in the recent years. Starting from erratic rainfalls, cyclones to forest fires and diseases, climate change has left a mark on the entire infrastructure of human life.
Agitated by the apathy, Queen Elizabeth II made an attacking remark against the world leaders and how their collective inaction towards the climate change is really a matter of concern for the upcoming generations. The nonagenarian monarch made the remark on Thursday at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff. While conversing with Elin Jones, the parliament’s presiding officer she further said, “Extraordinary isn’t it. I’ve been hearing all about COP…Still don’t know who is coming. No idea.” In the end she concluded her statement mentioning, that she had heard about those who were not going to turn up for the summit. It has been rumoured that the largest emitter of green house gases China’s President Xi Jinping would not be seen in the meeting and the intentions of the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, India, also remain uncertain.
Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest son Charles, who is an environmentalist revealed his concern on how the world leaders only engage in meaningful discussions about protecting the climate but do not implement the policies. Later on William the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II also emphasized how we need to concentrate on preserving our planet before chalking out ideas about space tourism.