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Einstein’s theory was right – “S2” Star orbiting Milky Ways black hole confirms

The Einstein theory of gravity was right, which is confirmed by a repeat appearance of a star orbiting the super massive milky ways black hole.

Albert Einstein

In the year 1915, Einstein theory of relativity helped him understand a weird kink in the orbit of mercury. According to a report that was published on April 16 in Astronomy & Astrophysics by the researchers with Gravity collaboration, the same effect has been observed in the orbit of a star orbiting the supermassive black hole which is in the center of the Milky Way.

The star that helped researchers is called S2 which is a part of the stellar entourage that surrounds the Black Hole located at the center of the milky way. S2 has helped researchers in understanding the Redding effect of a star which is known as Gravitational Redshift.

The theory of general relativity has not failed so far, however, researchers are trying to find a dent in the theory to find a new or improved theory of relativity. The einstein’s theory checks out again even in the harshest gravitational atmosphere around the supermassive black hole.

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