Microsoft rolls out a new Scareware Blocker in Edge browser; Protects users exposed to a new scam

With the increasing growth in technology, scams have also increased as scammers try and use new ways to attack people especially on mobile, online, and through browsers. Various companies have also come up with ways so that users can protect themselves and their devices from possible scams, but as it is said as the protective measures are increased so are the scammer’s techniques.
Well, no one is immune to scams but recently Microsoft has rolled out a new Scareware Blocker for its Edge browser that is said to protect users from scareware scams. Scareware scams are tech support scams where scammers use aggressive web pages to convince victims to think their system is infected with malware, pressure them to call a face tech support number, and try to access the computer.
How does Scareware Blocker work?
Scareware Blocker uses a machine learning model to recognize the tell-tale signs of scareware scams and puts users back in control of their computers. Defender SmartScreen already protects users on Edge, which provides real-time checks on new and unfamiliar sites. Sacreware blocker is said to add a new, first line of defense to help protect users exposed to a new scam if it attempts to open a full-screen page.
When a scareware blocker suspects a page is a scam, Edge will put users back in control by exiting full-screen mode, stopping aggressive audio playback, warning the user, and showing a thumbnail of the page they were just viewing.
Once the user is back in control of their browser, the scareware blocker will let them report the malicious site to protect others. Users can share screenshots of the scam and other diagnostics with Microsoft, helping the Defender SmartScreen service detect scareware outbreaks across multiple machines. Also to reduce false alarms, users can report when a scareware blocker makes a mistake and blocks a legitimate page.
Scareware Blocker availability in Edge
It is rolling out now as a preview for all Edge users on Windows PCs. To enable Edge, first, make sure that previews are allowed by the administrator and also that Edge is fully up to date. After making sure you have the latest updates, you should see the scareware blocker preview listed under Privacy Search and Services.