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Samsung Reminder app new update can help you to fight procrastination get to know how

Has it ever happened to you that you planned a lot of things but ended up doing only a few things? This is a very common problem with all of us that leads to procrastination at the end of the day. A proper reminder app that tells you the time notification and sorts out the most important thing that needs to be done would be the best option. But despite trying a number of apps and methods you might have faced the same problem.

Samsung’s reminder manager can help you in this scenario. On this reminder manager, you can set the time and date of all your work that needs to be done.

This application has been a huge success among Samsung users and now it has come up with a new update. If you go to the navigation menu of the reminder app you will see a number of categories. Basically, these categories are either automatically sorted or user-created. The ‘today’ category among automatically sorted categories is one of the new features that has come as an update.

You can also see them at a glance by selecting the today category from the select category widget. It will make sure that you see all the important works on your screen as soon as you take a glance. You can easily create reminders on today/schedule/ important categories.

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