Anonymous claims they have taken control of 400+ of Russian cameras in support of Ukraine

Another big breaking came in today that anonymous has claimed that they have taken control of 400+ Russian cameras in support of Ukraine. Anonymous recently claimed that they had hacked a tv station in Russia.
Russia is now on the receiving end from every corner of the world. Be it sanctions or cyberattacks on Russia by a group of Hacktivists Anonymous. There are many reports of recent hacking attempts made by the group targeted towards Russia.
The group further claims that they have compiled about 100 on this website. This is anti-propaganda to open the eyes of Russian civilians. Also potential recon.
These attacks are made under the #oprussia, which translates to Operation Russia. The group has further shared the website on which you can WATCH LIVE:
Anonymous further said that they are working on something big. In their next op, they said “We have already been working on our next camera dump which will contain cameras from Belarus and Ukraine, mostly combat zones which will be more useful for recon than these. This is strictly anti-propaganda for the Russian people. “