Why Orkut was discontinued by Google?

The era of Orkut as remembered by the 90’s kids as an era of bonding with friends. Orkut uses to play as a bridge between friends and people use to meet new friends online long before Facebook had hit the market.
On June 30, 2014, Google revealed that Orkut would shut down absolutely on September 30, 2014. Clients could convey their photo assortments before the last shutdown date. Orkut profiles, scraps, tributes, and system posts could be conveyed until September 2016. Google structuring boss Paulo Golgher said in a blog passage: “Over the earlier decade, Facebook, YouTube, Blogger and Google+ have taken off, with systems bouncing up in each edge of the world. Since the advancement of these systems has outpaced Orkut’s turn of events, we’ve decided to bid farewell to Orkut.” Orkut was the eventual outcome of a 20 percent adventure in which Google workers found the opportunity to put a fifth of their vitality in musings not so much related to their movement responsibilities.[48][49] However, the open substance of each open system were chronicled by Google, and are available forever for guiding on the web in the Orkut Community Archive (disregarding the way that modifying isn’t, now possible.)
The webpage regardless of everything exists, with the exception of shows a letter from the originator, communicating that Hello would be the replacement of Orkut and “it is the essential web put together life site subordinate with respect to venerates, not likes.” Hello is worked under Hello Networks, not Google.