Anonymous issued threat to Elon Musk over manipulating bitcoin prices

A recent video has emerged out of nowhere in which anonymous a hacktivist group which hides their identity and try to do good for the community. In the video, a message has been sent to Elon Musk for the deeds that he has recently done for small retail investors who invested in cryptocurrency and have lost because of him.
Elon Musk, the CEO of mechanical goliath Tesla was focused by a famous gathering of programmers who are at risk for submitting probably the greatest advanced tricks in the new past.
Here is the video message by Anonymous
TMZ detailed that the unknown record has caused a great deal of anguish for various associations including PayPal, Scientology is currently focusing on the Tesla CEO.
In their most recent video, they have focused on Elon, guaranteeing the force he utilizes over cryptographic money markets, and the egotistical way he utilizes it has gone far enough particularly in accordance with Bitcoin, which has responded wildly to Elon’s expressions of late.
Mysterious insists that despite the fact that Elon has “situated himself as worried about the climate with Tesla’s rotate away from Bitcoin, he doesn’t try to do he says others should do inside the actual organization throwing numerous charges against him and Tesla’s practices everywhere,” TMZ announced.
The unknown further hammered Elon on an individual note, saying he experiences a “prevalence complex”- taking note of the once named himself the “Sovereign of Mars” – and that he is harming average individuals and their possibilities by his steady crypto savaging.
Closing his complaint note, the mysterious added that he thinks “Elon isn’t a companion to the everyday person”, something they believed themselves to be.
Elon, as of late declared that the organization has quit tolerating bitcoin as installment for its vehicles out of worry that it will add to more noteworthy utilization of petroleum products.
The business financier and SpaceX author shared an articulation on Twitter on Wednesday about something similar. Tesla had just barely begun tolerating bitcoin in late March.
The 49-year-old mechanical fashioner likewise said that Tesla will presently don’t sell anything else of the USD 1.5 billion supplies of bitcoin it bought recently. Tesla sold a portion of that bitcoin in the primary quarter of 2021, which ended up aiding cushion the organization’s quarterly benefit figures.