Anonymous operations on Twitter reflects upon the order of the Government of the Russian Federation

On Friday, the Anonymous operations take on Twitter to reflect upon the Government of the Russian Federation’s new order.
In the order, they have announced five countries that are committing “unfriendly” actions against the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation, or Russian legal entities.
The five countries are The Hellenic Republic, The Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, and the Slovak Republic.
As a response to this, the Anonymous operations said that Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia were added and of course, this honourable list already includes Ukraine and the United States.
They also said that in total there are 48 countries on the list of “unfriendly”.
“Sad, sad, Russia expanded the list of countries they don’t like…. Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia were added. Of course, this honourable list already includes Ukraine and the United States. In total there are 48 countries in the list of “unfriendly”,” Anonymous operations tweeted.
Sad, sad, Russia expanded the list of countries they don't like…🤡
Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia were added. Of course, this honorable list already includes Ukraine and the United States.
In total there are 48 countries in the list of "unfriendly".
— Anonymous Operations (@AnonOpsSE) July 22, 2022
The order copy shared by Anonymous Operations stated
GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Order dated July 20, 2022 No. 1998-1 moscow To supplement the list of foreign states committing unfriendly actions against the Russian Federation, citizens Of the Russian Federation or Russian legal entities, in respect of which measures of influence (counteraction are applied, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 243 of April 23 , 2021 “On the application of measures of influence (counteraction) to unfriendly actions of foreign states”, indicating the number of individuals who are on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation and with which diplomatic missions and consular offices, representative offices of state bodies and state institutions of these states may conclude employment contracts, contracts for the provision of labor of employees (personnel) and other civil law contracts on the basis of which labor relations arise with individuals located on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Fe dated May 13, 2021 No. 1230-r (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation Federation, 2021, No. 21, Article 3610), with the following items: 34 20 “3. The Hellenic Republic 4. The Kingdom of Denmark 5. Republic of Slovenia 6. Republic of Croatia 7. Slovak Republic 0 Chairman of the Government Of the Russian Federation M.Mishustin
Anonymous operations also retweeted the tweet of Anonymous collective’s squad 303 which said, “Warm welcome to Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia! Nice to have you here:) Slava Ukraine! .”