Entertainment is becoming a username/password/2FA nightmare – Elon Musk Latest tweet

Elon Musk tweeted Entertainment is becoming a username/password/2FA nightmare. The meme shared by Elon Musk shows the irony that when Netflix was launched and Pirate Bay was banned. People started moving towards Netflix.
Elon Musk shared the meme to show that now entertainment has just become username/password/2FA nightmare. And remembers the day when Pirate Bay use to give all data without any passwords or protection.
Entertainment is becoming a username/password/2FA nightmare pic.twitter.com/fKht3NKsho
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 21, 2022
The Pirate Bay (abbreviated as TPB) is a website that indexes digital entertainment media and software material. The Pirate Bay, which was founded in 2003 by the Swedish think tank Piratbyrn, allows visitors to search, download, and contribute magnet links and torrent files, which are used to facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing among BitTorrent protocol users.
The Pirate Bay has spurred debate and discussion regarding the legal elements of file sharing, copyright, and civil liberties, as well as serving as a venue for political initiatives opposing established intellectual property laws and a central figure in an anti-copyright movement.
The website was forced to relocate to a succession of different web addresses after multiple shutdowns and domain seizures.
The website’s creators (Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, and Gottfrid Svartholm) were found guilty of helping in copyright infringement in the Pirate Bay trial in Sweden in April 2009, and were sentenced to one year in prison and a fine. Internet service providers (ISPs) in several countries have been ordered to prohibit access to the website. As a result, proxy websites have been available to access it. Svartholm, Neij, and Sunde, the founders, were all released in 2015 after serving shorter sentences.