Google ‘thanks’ packaging, shipping & delivery workers with doodle

The biggest search engine of the world – Google, on April 15, thanked all the packaging, shipping, and delivery workers for working tirelessly and giving us essential goods with a doodle.

With each passing day, the number of confirmed cases continues to increase and so staying inside the home and maintaining social distance is the only option left to stop this.
Healthcare professionals, police personnel, essential service providers have been the frontline soldiers in the war against COVID-19.
‘Thank You: Packaging, shipping, and delivery workers’ is the tagline of Google’s latest doodle thanking all the people for their continued efforts in providing us essential things in these tough times.
Google has launched a doodle series where it will thanking all the frontline soldiers for their dedication & hard work.
A few days back Google has requested people to stay indoor amid coronavirus outbreak. With a tagline ‘Stay Home. Save Lives’, the doodle had all the information related to coronavirus just on a click.