US President Trump got fact check by twitter for the first time

Twitter marked two Donald Trump tweets “unverified” and blamed him for making bogus cases on Tuesday, a first for the interpersonal organization which has since quite a while ago opposed calls to reproach the US president over truth-challenging posts. The move drew an angry reaction from Trump, who utilized the stage to blame Twitter for “meddling in the 2020 Presidential Election.”
The web based life monster focused on two tweets the president posted on Tuesday in which he battled without proof that mail-in casting a ballot would prompt misrepresentation and a “Fixed Election.”
Under the tweets, Twitter posted a connection that read “Get the realities about mail-in voting forms” and which took clients to a notification calling the cases “unconfirmed”, referring to revealing by CNN, the Washington Post, and other media.

“Trump falsely claimed that mail-in ballots would lead to ‘Rigged Election’,” the notice contended.
“However, fact-checkers say there is no evidence that mail-in ballots are linked to voter fraud.”