Get ready to witness Super Blue Moon in sky tonight that wont occur for years again
An amazing rare celestial event is going to occur tonight. Wednesday’s night sky will be lit up by Super Blue Moon. For those who don’t know, it has nothing to do with color but since the 1940s the second of the two full moons that appears in a month is usually called as Blue Moon. And because we have already seen a supermoon once this August the second supermoon will be called a Super Blue Moon.
Now coming on to the supermoon, it is seen when the Moon is both full and at or near its closest point to Earth. The phenomena of a supermoon is seen because the moon’s orbit is elliptical around Earth but not circular. So there are times when the Moon is farther at apogee and times when it’s closest at perigee. The distance between Earth and the Moon in perigee and apogee ranges from around 220,000 miles (350,000 kilometers) to 253,000 miles (408,000 km).
Today’s Super Blue Moon will reach its peak at 08:37 PM (EDT) and there will be maximum brightness at this time. The moon will not only appear 14 percent bigger but 30 percent brighter also than a Micro moon. People from all across India can witness this rare phenomenon tonight if the weather allows.
Last time Blue Supermoon event took place in 2018 and won’t occur till 2037 so don’t forget to witness it.
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