Google Chrome 88 helps users to quickly patch poor, compromised passwords

Google Chrome 88 is now rolled out globally with a new and more secure password security feature, the company said. Google says the new functionality would help users to search, find and correct poor passwords in one location. Essentially, this upgrade allows users some control of their saved passwords. Google says Chrome 88 with its latest updates will roll out over the coming weeks and keep having new features during 2021.
As per Google’s blog post, the latest feature in Chrome 88 expands on features first introduced in 2020. The Google Chrome Password Manager will already store user data for different channels and prompts if the password is bad. The latest update would allow users to easily search, find, and correct poor passwords in Chrome Settings. This means that users can correct several weak passwords in one spot.
To search the passwords in Chrome 88, users need to click on their profile image and then click on the “key” icon. Alternatively, the user could type chrome://settings/passwords in the address bar.
From here, users can press Check Password and Google Chrome will look for weak passwords. When done, users can quickly change bad or corrupted passwords. The update is now being carried out to the laptop and iOS. Google says Chrome’s Android app will get this feature soon, too.
Google’s blog post states that Chrome’s safety search is being used 14 million times a week and that it saw 37 per cent decrease of corrupted credential saved in Chrome since “improvements launched in 2020.” It also says that Chrome will soon be running Chrome on iOS-like biometric authentication for safe password filling.